Quick Recipes to Prepare For the Family

There are many healthy and tasty recipe options, but they often require extra time to prepare.

For those times when your family needs a meal ASAP, we suggest these easy and fast recipe ideas. All you need is 30 minutes to create a healthy, yummy, and nutritious meal everyone is sure to love. 


Let’s  begin with a 5-minute breakfast to start your day off right.

Breakfast: Avocado Chickpea Toast With a Fruit Bowl


Ingredients (serves 4)

  • 2 avocados 
  • 1 cup of cooked and canned chickpeas (or boil raw chickpeas at home)
  • Curry spice 
  • 8 pcs of brown whole-wheat bread 
  • 1 lemon 
  • Salt
  • Black pepper 
  • 4 fruits of your choice


Smash the avocado with a fork until the texture is smooth, then add salt, pepper, and a few drops of lemon juice. Spread the prepared avocado on the whole-wheat bread and add chickpeas and a little curry on top. 

Cut fruits of your choice, arrange in a small bowl, and serve.

Nutritive values per portion: 

Energy value 470Kcal
Proteins  22g
Carbohydrates  57g
Of which fibers  13g
Of which sugars  2g
Fats  18.5g
Of which saturated  2g
Of which cholesterol  0.1mg
Vitamin A  9% RDI
Vitamin C  45%RDI
Iron  24%RDI
Calcium  7%RDI



In the middle of the day, we need another meal to keep our energy up. A great lunch can achieve that and make us feel great. 

Lunch: Nutri Bowl of Beans, Greens, and White Chicken Chops


Ingredients (serves 4)

  • 1 big head of lettuce 
  • 1 cup of canned black beans
  • ½ cup of sesame seeds
  • 1 cup of uncooked millet 
  • 3 pcs of fresh chicken breast
  • Balsamic sauce
  • Cold-pressed pumpkin oil
  • Salt 


In a pan, add water, salt, and chicken. Cook slowly for 15 minutes. When the meat is ready, drain it, cut it into small chops, and leave it to cool.

Repeat the procedure for the millet, boiling it in water for 15 minutes. 

Meanwhile, prepare the salad. Place lettuce, beans, millet, chicken, and sesame seeds in a large bowl. Use pumpkin oil and balsamic sauce as a dressing.

Nutritive values per portion:

Energy value 540Kcal
Proteins  48g
Carbohydrates  60g
Of which fibers  8g
Of which sugars  3g
Fats  24g
Of which saturated  4g
Of which cholesterol  97mg
Vitamin A  76%RDI
Vitamin C  10%RDI
Iron  23%RDI
Calcium  15%RDI



Finally, at the end of the day, we can prepare our bodies for rest and regain lost energy through food. Here is our suggestion for a quick and delicious dinner.

Dinner: Veggies and Shrimp Pasta


Ingredients (serves 4)

  • 3 cups of cooked pasta 
  • 2 peppers 
  • 6 broccoli flowers
  • 7-8 mushrooms
  • 2 cups of shrimp 
  • Salt and pepper 
  • Cold-pressed oil 


In a cooking pan, add a little oil and heat for 2 minutes. In the meantime, cut the peppers, mushrooms, and broccoli. Add the veggies to the heated pan, cover them, and cook for 5 minutes. Add the shrimp, stir, and let it simmer for 10 minutes.

Choose your favorite type of pasta and cook it according to package instructions. 

Add the pasta to the veggie mix and stir. Serve it with parmesan to taste.

Nutritive values per portion: 

Energy value 530Kcal
Proteins  29g
Carbohydrates  56g
Of which fibers  8g
Of which sugars  6g
Fats  18g
Of which saturated  2g
Of which cholesterol  0.1mg
Vitamin A  16%RDI
Vitamin C  257%RDI
Iron  19%RDI
Calcium  11%RDI