What is Intermittent Fasting?
Intermittent Fasting (IF) is an eating plan that switches between eating and fasting windows on a regular basis. Compared to calorie-restricted (CR) diets, which focus on WHAT to eat…
8 Strategies to Improve Beginners’ Fasting Experience
To make your fasting experience as comfortable, healthy, and safe as possible, it is important that you thoroughly understand what intermittent fasting is. Here are the best strategies…
What Can You Drink During Fasting (Clean vs Dirty Fasting)?
“What can you drink during the fasted state?” There are mixed opinions on this answer, even from the experts, which makes this particularly confusing to the average person. For example…
How Much Water Should Women Drink in a Day While Practicing Intermittent Fasting?
Drinking water aids the regulation of glucose levels in the blood, and this helps burn fat and enhances weight loss. Furthermore…
What Are the Possible Progressions of Your Weight Loss Journey?
Your weight loss journey might fall into one of three scenarios…
A Complete Guide to Handling Hunger
Hunger is usually the top concern for most people as they embark on their fasting journey. They believe that…
A Complete Guide to Healthy Fasting Without Affecting Your Menstrual Cycle
Intermittent fasting is an excellent way to achieve weight loss. This strategy generally has incredible results; but if not done right, some women find…
Why Intermittent Fasting Is Good for Menopausal Women
For women, the production of hormones like estrogen and progesterone begins to decline around the age of 50. At this time, women stop ovulating…
What Should Women Going Through Menopause Eat During Their Intermittent Fasting Eating Window?
Fasting has long been part of various therapeutic and religious practices, and is often adopted as a weight loss technique by women during menopause. Historically…
Ladies! Why You Need to Alkalize Your Body and How?
Because of the hormonal differences between men and women, women have different metabolic responses to fasting. As a result…
Quick Recipes to Prepare For the Family
There are many healthy and tasty recipe options, but they often require extra time to prepare. For those times….