How Do I Explain to Others When I am Fasting?

Saying no to eating or drinking in any social gathering is generally frowned upon. It may seem rude to say no to the host if they offer you something. But, if you have chosen to adopt intermittent fasting as a lifestyle, you often have to say no. And this can be difficult to explain. 


Fasting, Not Starving

When told about unique lifestyle choices such as intermittent fasting, most people are unable to understand your reasons. You might hear your elders questioning your eating habits and label your fasting as starving. It is important to clarify the difference between the two.

In intermittent fasting, you do not eat for prolonged periods which can be as long as 14-18 hours. You restrict your eating to a certain portion of the day. This type of fasting can help improve your metabolism, burn fat, improve your energy levels throughout the day, and make your mind clear. It also helps in preventing diseases such as heart disease and Alzheimer’s. 

Most people find intermittent fasting fairly easy to do and have very little difficulty adjusting to this lifestyle. After all, human beings have been fasting for a long time for cultural and religious reasons, and it does not have any serious consequences.  

Most importantly, it does not mean that you are starving yourself—starving means consuming no food for several days continuously, which can be detrimental to your health. 


Debunking Myths

There are several myths about intermittent fasting that are believed by many. In a world of mass consumption, people believe that skipping meals for a few hours means that you will get sick. Some may even associate fasting with eating disorders such as anorexia. Overall, fasting is interpreted as something negative, which does not make sense to most people.

Explaining the benefits of intermittent fasting can help debunk these myths and make people more accepting of your choices. It is important to emphasize that as long as you are able to meet your body’s nutritional requirements, fasting will not make you sick. 

Moreover, intermittent fasting should not be confused with eating disorders which are serious conditions. 


The High Road

If your friends and family are still not comfortable with your eating habits, you may just have to live with it. Sometimes, people do not accept those choices they wouldn’t make for themselves. No matter how much you try, you may not be able to get through to them. 

You can still try to make things easier for you by planning your fasts around any social gatherings you must attend. This way, you won’t have to miss out on all the delicious snacks or dinners with friends or family. 

You can also avoid any discussions relating to fasting with those people who just won’t understand. If anyone is genuinely interested, they tend to ask more meaningful questions. 

The bottom line is that intermittent fasting is a personal choice. If you feel good embarking on this journey, it is unnecessary to bring everyone along with you.